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Cloud Monitoring: Qwik Start - Qwiklabs 실습

category GCP 공부 일기 2020. 10. 26. 01:23

다음의 Qwiklabs 과정을 거치면서 모르던 내용들 그리고 배웠던 내용들에 대해 써보았다:

  • Cloud Monitoring: Qwik Start

우선, 저 과정을 거치면서 모르거나 새로 배운 내용들에 대한 정의를 써보도록 하겠다. 나름 나의 해석도 들어가 있는 것이라 정확하지는 않을 수도 있으나, 최대한 찾아본 내용을 토대로 썼다:

  • Cloud Monitoring: The process of evaluating the health of cloud-based IT infrastructures. Provides visibility into the performance, uptime, and overall health of cloud-powered applications. Collects metrics, events, and metadata from GCP, AWS, ect. Ingests these data and generates insights via dashboards, charts and alerts.

  • Cloud Monitoring Agent: A collectd-based daemon that gathers system and application metrics from VM instances and sends them to Monitoring.

  • Collectd: A Unix daemon that collects, transfers and stores performance data of computers and network equipment

  • Metrics: A collection of the measurements by Cloud Monitoring

  • Cloud Logging: A fully managed service that performs at scale. Ingests application and system log data from thousands of VMs and analyze those log data in real time. #It is best practice to run the Cloud Logging agent on all VM instances

  • Fluentd: Provides a flexible mechanism for unified logs collections. (In GCP, it is the Cloud Logging agent)

  • Uptime Checks: Verifies that a resource is always accessible

  • What is lamp: Linux + Apache + MySQL + PHP 설치 및 프로세스를 원클릭으로 시작할 수 있는 설치형 서비스 상품


이번 Qwiklabs 실습에서는 거의 VM Instance 관리 방법에 대해서 배웠다. 그닥 복잡한 방법들은 아니지만, 그래도 새로운 것을 배우는 것은 언제나 어려운 것 같다. Cloud Monitoring과 Cloud Logging을 통해 CPU Load, Alerting 등을 배웠다.